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Vermont Distracted Driving Safety Media Press Day

Vince and larry
What:  AAA Northern New England in conjunction with the Vermont Highway Safety Alliance, and the Association of General Contractors are hosting the Vermont Distracted Driving Safety Awareness Day.  It starts with a media event on the steps of the State house, followed by a short “AAA Walk to End Distracted Driving” through downtown Montpelier and back to the State House.  Refreshments will be served as AAA, AT&T, 3M, Vermont State Police, Local Motion and other traffic safety partners host interactive activities and displays on the front lawn of the State House.
When: Friday, June 7th 11:45am
Where: State House steps, Montpelier 
Who: Dan Goodman, Manager of Public Affairs AAA Northern New England
         Thomas Anderson, Commissioner Public Safety
         Wanda Minoli, Commissioner Department of Motor Vehicles
         Chief Anthony Facos, Montpelier Police Department
         Michael S. Pieciak, Commissioner Department of Financial Regulation
         Sharon Huntley- Mother who lost her son to distracted driving 
Why: AAA Northern New England will host this press event to present statistics about driver distraction, as well as partner with law enforcement and state officials, to remind drivers, “Don’t Drive Intoxicated. Don’t Drive Intexticated”.  The goal is to make smartphone use while driving as socially unacceptable as alcohol-impaired driving. In 2017, distracted driving killed 3,166 people nationwide. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving claims an average of nine lives each day and seriously injures 1,000 more, although experts believe those numbers are likely much higher.  

VisualsA crashed car that was involved in a distracted driving crash
               Distracted Driving Simulator experience
               AAA’s TV PSA’s  “Don’t Drive Intoxicated. Don’t Drive Intexticated” 
               B-Roll of actual teen distracted driving crashes
               Spencer Huntley Tribute Video

  AAA Campaign Graphics 1, 2, 3, 4
              Maine Distracted Drivng Crash Video

Contact: Dan Goodman (207)756-4112

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AAA Northern New England is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.