What: Nationally and local experts visit Maine to discuss the latest trends in driver education to keep our next generation of drivers safe.
Where: Holiday Inn By the Bay
When: September 23rd 8:30am to 3:00pm
Who: Pat Moody
Director of Public Affairs
AAA Northern New England
207 838 8957
Nationally, driving behavior on our highways is getting worse with over 40,000 people dying in preventable car crashes annually. 2,514 people killed in crashes involving a teen driver (15-18 years old) in 2022. To help with this problem AAA Northern New England, the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicle & Maine Bureau of Highway Safety are hoisting the 3rd annual Driver Educator Summit in Portland.
The summit will convene local and nationally recognized experts to Maine to generate awareness and understanding the latest trends in driver education to keep our next generation of drivers safe. Participants will engage in discussions about topics such vehicle technology, commercial motor vehicles, teaching methods and the latest teen driver research.
Over 200 Instructors will be in attendance.
8:30 Welcome | Opening Remarks
- Pat Moody, Manager of Public Affairs, AAA Northern New England
- Shenna Bellows, Maine Secretary of State
9:00 Emerging Issues in Driver Training and Testing, Professor Johnaton Ehsani, John Hopkins University
9:45 The Role of New Technology In Preventing Crashes, Luke Riexinger, Research Engineer, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
10:45 Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicle Update, Chris Ireland, Director of Driver License Services BMV
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Automated Vehicle Technologies: Human Factors Implications for Driver and Education, Training and Licensing, Professor Anuj Pradham, UMass Amherst
1:45 No Zone and How Do We Manage the Distractions, Jon Brockway, Road Team Captain, Walmart
2:15 Empowering Independence: Navigating the Challenges of Disabled Drivers, Richard Kearney, Driver Educator, St. Johnsbury Academy